Friday, April 24, 2020

Traditional Grammar free essay sample

Traditional Grammar is the speculative work of the medieval and the prescriptive approach of the 18th Century grammarians basically it refers back to the Aristotelian orientations towards the nature of language as it is shown in the work of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Origin: The very beginning of the twentieth century was typically marked by a new approach to grammar as suggested by linguists such as Ferdinand de Saussure and American linguist like Frantz Boas, Bloomfield and Edward Sapir. Their approach is called structuralism whose aim was to arouse a reaction against the approach of the traditional grammarians. Traditional grammarians considered Latin as their model because English is a part of the Indo-European family of languages, and to which Latin and Greek also belong. It did have similar grammatical elements and Traditional grammar is a term often uses to summarize the range of attitudes and methods found in the period of grammatical study before the advent of linguistic science. We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Grammar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we study the form of traditional grammar, the rules of classical languages were followed considering that English did not have grammar of its own. And English followed Latin grammar. Besides the parts of speech, traditional grammatical analysis also makes use of numerous other categories, just like number, gender, person, tense and voice. For example, gender was not natural. It was grammatical in traditional grammar. As we see here The man loves his bike. Gender, in this example, is used for describing the agreement between man and his. In English, you need to describe this relationship in terms of natural gender based upon a biological distinction between male and female. Such biological distinction is different compared to the common distinction found in languages which employ grammatical gender. Prescriptive approaches of traditional grammar: Traditional grammar prescribes (prescriptive means) what people should not to do with language. James D. Williams says â€Å"Traditional grammar is prescriptive because it focuses on the distinction between what some people do with language and what they ought to do with it, according to a pre-established standard. . . . The chief goal of traditional grammar, therefore, is perpetuating a historical model of what supposedly constitutes proper language. (James D. Williams, The Teachers Grammar Book. Rutledge, 2005) Some prescriptive Rules of English: Do not use double negation (e.g.†I didn’t know nothing† ) Do not end a sentence with a preposition (e.g. â€Å"what is she talking about†) Do not use â€Å"who† in place of home (e.g. â€Å"Who did you see?†) Do not misuse hopefully (e.g. â€Å"Hopefully he will arrive tomorrow†) Do not split infinitives (e.g. â€Å" †¦ to boldly go where no man has gone before† ) Grammatical Categories: Grammatical Categories are shown bellow: How parts of speech is define in traditional grammar Sentence analyzing sentence Clause Phrase Limitations: 1. Traditional grammar has some limitations as it occurs with some static verbs that do not occur in a progressive form, for instance I am knowing or in the imperative mood like Know! Traditional grammar sometimes fails to account for certain things like ambiguous sentences just like While thinking about the queen the Honda hit the fence. 2. In one respect traditional grammar is a set of rules on which the English language is based on Define of parts of speech in traditional grammar: Noun: Noun in traditional grammar is define as person, place, thing or idea. For example: Jenifer and Hatirjheel, jenifer is a person therefore jenifer is a noun and hatirjheel is a place therefore hatirjheel is a noun. Verb: The second parts of speech is verb. Verbs traditionally are words that show action or state of being. For example:Mikel eat bauble gum all the time. John seemed happy in London. Adjective: Another parts of speech is adjective. Adjectives are define as words that describe nouns or pronouns. When they nouns or pronouns adjective directly answer the following question: what kind, which one, and how many. For example: In the phrase sweet girl sweet is an adjective describing the noun girl. Sweet answer the question which girl and what type of girl. Adverbs: Adverbs are traditionally describe as words that describe verb, adjective or other adverb. They answer the following question: how, when, where and why. For example: Mahadi speak loudly. In this sentence the question is how did Mahadi speak and answer is loudly. Preposition: Prepositions are words used with nouns in phrases providing information about time, place, and other connections involving actions and things. For example: My pen is on the table. In this sentence on is indicate a place. Pronoun: Pronouns are words used in place of noun phrases, typically referring to people and things already known. For example: She talks to herself. Conjunction: Conjunctions are words used to make connection and indicate relationship between events. For example: Rita and Mita go to market. Article: Articles are words used with nouns to form noun phrases classifying those things or identifying them as already known. For example: I will take the apple. Traditional grammar define in a sentence: Traditional grammar declares that the sentence structure can be shown by subject and predicate. In traditional grammar the analysis of a sentence is a seperation of the sentence into its part. Sentence analysis summarizes exatly what traditional grammar was the prescription of the various components with in a sentence. One of the most important tools within sentence analysis was sentence parsing. Sentence parsing the process of identifying various components within a sentence and then explaining what made somebody decides to level the parts of speech. For example: Polan was dismembered in the sentence Polan is a noun and it is the subject. And was is a verb because it asserts an action. Traditional grammar also led the foundation of the use of diagram in the leveling and dissecting a sentence. Example: They/made/queen Victoria. The line that separate made from quean show that quean belongs to the object. Made does not fully express the act perform upon Victoria. They did not made Victoria but Queen Victoria. Queen helps made to express the act. And at the same time denotes the office to which the act raised Victoria. These may help to understand  the strange order of the diagram sentence.